Blog 3

 Blog 3

Feb.19. 23

    Our semester project in my studio class has us building an architecture to fit within a set site. As implied by the title, it spans the whole semester and starts with site analysis and will eventually end with a fully developed structure that we believe best suits the area. The site is part of Berlin’s Kulturforum, a collection of interesting architectures that include Mies van der Roh’s Neue Museum, and the Berlin Philharmonic. It is a great display of iconic Berlin architecture. The Berlin Philharmonic is a modernist building designed by Hans Scharoun. It features an interesting yellow facade and organic structures that seemingly wave with the wind. Directly across from the Kulturforum is the Sony Center. This post modern building has become a highlight of Berlin’s architecture, thanks to its reactive glass ceiling. While the building is without a doubt unique and thought provoking, it pales in comparison to the Philharmonic and Neue Museum. Mies essentially perfects his “less is more” ideology with the museum. While most of the program is below ground, the minimalist structure towers above the relatively low surroundings and draws in tourists. The buildings in the area act as a sort of archipelago, each one being totally unique but all acting together as a collection. Our task is somewhat daunting given the architectural significance of the surroundings. However the in depth study of the site and area has led me to learn more about Berlin’s architecture and two of its most prolific architects, Mies van der Roh and Hans Scharoun. While both are modernist architects they operate on different sides of the spectrum. Mies obviously utilized a minimalist utilitarian design while Scharoun leans closer to the post modern side with organic and loud designs. In the study of Kulturforum and surrounding areas I have also started to learn more about one of Berlin’s most important architects Karl Schinkel. He essentially introduced and made the neoclassical styles of Berlin prominent. 

    This past Friday we had our midterm critique in which we pinned up a significant amount of our work so far. Our goal was to show we had successful concept for our projects. My concept focussed on the lack of greenery in the site and around Kulturforum.  Despite being directly across the street from the Tiergarten, there is little to no greenery. My idea was to draw influence from the Tiergarten and mix public and private space. However our site is incredibly narrow and constricting so my idea was to have a vertical park with several tiers for the public to enjoy. This led me to focus on cantilevers hanging over the street with walkable balconies that incorporated the green space. Having a semester-project instead of several projects throughout the semester is new to me, but has been incredibly interesting. I have also never worked on something to this scale or gone this in depth in a project before.  I've found the work very rewarding and enjoyable. It has also been a great way to learn more about the architecture within Berlin. Below I've attached my pinup which includes floorpans, diagrams, site analysis, and sections.  I also attached my current concept model at a scale of 1/500.  Inserting photos onto the blog/formatting them is a  little strange so apologies for them not being very clear or well formatted. 


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